I guess it doesn't feel like November because (a) the time has passed so quickly and it feels like it should still only be September, and (b) because it is not cold here at all, not the November weather I am used to in the States!
It is bittersweet to think about it being November... It makes me happy because I know that in a few short weeks I will see my friends and family again. But it makes me sad because the longer I stay here the more that I love it and the more that I want to stay. Several times this past weekend I had chances to look out over the city, either while walking or being in the car, and it just still astounds me, the beauty of the city and of the mountains and the landscape of San Ramon and of Costa Rica. Initially I thought that maybe I just found it breathtaking because it was novel and different than what I was used to back in the States, but now I realize that it's because it really is just THAT beautiful and magnificent.
And to think that I could have missed out on all this because I was afraid of coming here, afraid of doing what I knew the Lord had called me to do! A dear friend reminded me earlier of how distraught I was when my plans for Mexico fell apart, and then the Lord pieced it all back together so that I could come to Costa Rica, and look at how incredible it has been and how much the Lord has shown me and taught me since I have been here.
I think that more than anything this trip has been a 'return to innocence' of sorts for me. Let me try to explain. Before I came to Costa Rica, I felt like I was in a holding cell, waiting for something big to happen, waiting for God to take me on to the next thing, waiting waiting waiting. I had grown impatient. Yes, I managed to be joyful through this time of waiting, but I knew that there still was something missing. So I came to Costa Rica, terrified and uncertain of what was waiting for me here. And what a ride it has been. I believe with all of my heart that the Lord has been giving that joy back to me, has been giving me a sort of child-like happiness and perspective, like I am 16 all over again! Even so in silly ways, like having a mother here to cook everything and do all of my laundry, so that all I do is go to school and hang out with my friends and enjoy life. I feel like he has simplified my life, and has shown me what life is really about and what is important. Now of course I don't have life completely figured out, that's not what I'm getting at here. But he has been restoring my joy and has been pursuing me and loving me and showing me so much. My prayer is that he would continue to do that throughout the rest of this trip, and even after.
By submitting to the Lord's will for my life for this semester, I believe that I have given him more room to show me how BIG he is and how in control he is. I have learned that when we try to be in control of our own circumstances, we give God less room to be creative and show us what He can do! When we allow HIM to be in charge, we are able to see just how POWERFUL He is!
Today was a good day. It was kind of dreary outside, so I spent most of the day in the house. I got a lot of work done, and spent most of my study time with my sweet host sister who is studying for her final exams so that she can graduate from high school!
I had class from 8-11, then I came home to eat lunch with the family. MIF and I went out to search for a book for Advanced Spanish, but apparently it has been removed from all stores because the author wanted to make some corrections, so it is not being sold until he finishes. We then decided to see if we could check it out of the public library. We wandered around the tiny tiny library and found the book after looking it up on the database, and were soon approached by the librarian. She kindly informed us that we were in the restricted section which required special permission to enter, though it appeared to us like the other sections because there was no designation or separation at all. We told her what we were looking for and she said we couldn't check books out of that section, that we were only allowed to read them in the library while being supervised, but that if we really wanted to check them out, since we didn't have library cards and couldn't get them (I guess because we are gringos), we could bring a water bill or power bill from our family's house to show that we DID live here, and go through some process to be able to check the book out over the weekend while the library is closed. She was very kind through all of this, and when we left, empty-handed, we both realized how thankful we were for the ease of checking out books in public libraries in the US.
The rest of the afternoon was spent studying, enjoying coffee and pancakes, and relaxing and talking to friends and my mother. It was nice to have a relaxing afternoon and evening. I still managed to get a good bit of work and studying done.
Hopefully tomorrow will be equally as relaxing and stress-free. I meet with Claudia in the morning to work on internship stuff, and I only have one class from 1-4. Normally I have a class after that, but we are taking a field trip on Wednesday so we are not having class tomorrow! Que dicha!
Buenas noches!
Have a Lovely Weekend.
1 day ago
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